Sunday, October 23, 2005

August 2005. EMW Outdoor Camp 17-19 Year Olds

Week 2 was for 17-19 year olds. It was a much smaller camp and so the campers were able to build on and form strong friendships. Praise God he kept us safe during the week, especially on the night we had a big storm. Praise God so many of the campers found the week beneficial to their walk with God. Hallelujah!
God really worked on my servant heart during this week too! Having been so heavily involved in the running of the first week, I found it really hard to take a step back in the second week and be behind the scenes. On the first few days I was really struggling and not enjoying it at all! But God made me realise that I was still serving Him, and in fact I learnt so much that week about serving Him with joy in ALL that we do. And I shared my time in the kitchen with the cook, Derek, who I learnt a lot from, and who never stopped talking about Jesus, so I couldn’t stay grumpy for long…!


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