Sunday, October 23, 2005

Barcelona...The Afternoons

And then in the afternoons it was off to the campus. We spent the first week at Mundet campus and the second at La Central. Both amazing. I loved these times too. I love the fact that the Gospel message transcends cultures, transcends languages. We didn’t speak the language but we were able to do mime, and communicate the gospel that way. And because we couldn’t speak the language, we couldn’t share our faith with anyone. That was a bit hard, coz we have this perceived idea that mission is all about telling people verbally about the gospel. We couldn’t do that. So what could we do to do something effective? We could pray for those who WERE having conversations. I know I learnt a lot about prayer that week. I think we all did. We prayed so much, coz we weren’t taken up with having conversations. And I believe we saw the benefits of that.
We had people watching the mime, people engaged in conversation, people going to the Bible studies, the dance classes, we did mime in the packed canteen and everyone stopped talking (and some stopped eating!) to watch, people came to the concert and loved it…it was immense! People took flyers, CD’s, tracts…people came to the stand to ask us questions about who we were/what we were doing.
Misconceptions were broken down. People were told the gospel!


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