Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Barcelona - Creation

I love creation. I love the fact that it displays God's power so immensely, so beautifully. I love the creation God's given us. Not just in the world, not just in the animals around us, but also in US. Human beings. I love the way He's crafted us, too! And one day it just struck me more than usual, along with the immense desire to serve my creator God. Always. Not got a title for this one yet...

Your Creation shouts Your power,
Proclaims Your majesty.
I marvel at the beauty -
Thank you for the beauty –
With the gift of sight, I see.
As in the beauty of creation
Your power I’m blessed to see,
So let others see that power and beauty
In my life, in me.

23/9/05. Barcelona.


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